Come along to the Spaxton Shows AGM
Come along to our AGM on Tuesday January 28th, 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
We’d like to hear your views and are especially delighted to welcome new Volunteers!
General Flower Show information
When are the flower shows?
We usually have two flower shows each year, one in the Spring, and a larger one in Summer.
What happens at the shows?
At the regular shows we hold, everyone is welcome to take part either as a visitor or as an exhibitor with a chance to compete and win prizes. On the day visitors and competitors come along to admire the entries and in addition there are refreshments available, and usually other entertainments to enjoy!

Where are Spaxton Flower Shows held?
The shows usually take place at Spaxton Village Hall and Playing Fields. Spaxton is a village in Sedgemoor, in the foothills of the Quantocks, between Bridgwater, Taunton and Cannington, in Somerset, South West England.
Facts and Figures.
At the Spring Flower show 2023 we had 230 entries from adults and 145 from children.
384 people paying adults visited the show. Children enter free so we didn’t count them !
At the Summer Show in 2023 we had 514 entries from 56 adults. There were 218 children’s entries from 34 children plus over 70 school pictures!!!!

Please could you help?
We are always looking for volunteers to help with the shows, particularly to help with serving teas, donating cakes and running the bar.
Alternatively, you might like to join our very friendly committee – we would welcome more support to help us run successful shows.
So, if you would like to give a bit back to the wonderful community that we live in and help keep the shows going for years to come, please get in touch by emailing info@spaxtonflowershow.co.uk
We couldn’t run the shows without you!