Spaxton Garden Gates Safari!
We will be running an alternative flower show this year!
We’ve created a flyer which has been distributed by the committee to households in the village.

We hope you can get involved! Either by creating a display in your garden, or visiting others throughout the village.
If you are interested in putting a display in your garden please let us know by filling in the reply slip and returning it to the Village Shop of Clare Downer by the 10th July.
The Committee have decided to cancel the Summer Flower Show, obviously because of Coronavirus and the ability to do safe social distancing.
Instead we would like to organise an alternative celebration of gardening, arts and crafts for local residents to look forward to. The exact format and details are still dependent on what social activities will be realistically allowed within Coronavirus rules and guidelines.
Preliminary thoughts are based on providing a Village Trail, encouraging walking or cycling as good exercise, and in order to observe physical distancing the event could run for the full weekend, ie Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd August.
Everyone would be invited to put displays of flowers, vegetables and crafts in their front gardens/gateways/on the allotments, in anyway they want; no entry fees; no judging, just a show case of all the great work that has kept us busy during the past weeks; and will certainly continue for the next few months.
More details will be provided shortly – so please keep visiting this page for updates.
The Scrap Challenge will be returning for the Summer Show. Please check back for more details.